Spent a good chunk of both Saturday and Sunday in the garage cleaning. You can now walk into the garage without going through a maze of boxes, bags and plastic containers. There’s still a good bit of stuff to be sorted and either put away or thrown away, but I’m out of space in the trash cans as well as being out of time. Patrick joined me this afternoon and got all his Burning Man supplies sorted and put away into plastic tubs. Next step will be tearing the old cabinets off the wall and building the new one I’ve had since last fall. Once we do that, I can actually get everything put away. May not be able to get that done until after Kevin’s wedding, but that’s ok since I can at least get into the garage now.
Meanwhile, I’ll be getting rid of more boxes of old receipts. I have one box for every year for at least the past 20 years. That’s 20 boxes. While I need to keep some of the stuff–especially that from the most recent years–I should be able to get rid of close to 15 boxes. That will make a big dent in all the stacks of boxes at the back of the garage.
Gotta work on taxes this week. Have to finish my own plus do Patrick’s, Kevin’s and Soula’s along with a few people from work…
Also will probably spend a good deal of the week watching all the coverage of the Pope’s funeral and the conclave over the next few weeks. I’m amazed at some of the stuff I’m finding out that I never knew about. You’d think after 12 years of Catholic schooling that I’d know all of this…
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