I finally started Christmas shopping. I should have done it sooner, but just couldn’t get motivated…and still am not really into it. I’m convinced we should do away with the shopping part of Christmas. I just hate battling the crowds. I went to Target today, got one gift and couldn’t stand it any longer, so left. It was almost impossible to get through the aisles…craziness!!!
I did go to the grocery and got my shopping finished for Christmas Eve and Christmas day as well as all the stuff to bake cookies and other goodies. No doubt I’ve forgotten something, but at least won’t have to make a big trip. If possible, may be able to actually get started baking tomorrow…
Still need to do a bit of cleaning, but can probably get everything done in just a few hours. And then will have everything but the baking and cooking to do the rest of the week.
Will finish my shopping online tomorrow and will go out to the dreaded stores Thursday morning. I’ll be off work starting Thursday, so will try to get up early before it gets too crazy and finish up with the gifts. I’m ready to start my vacation!
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