My shoulder is just as bad today as it was when this first started on Sunday. So I’m headed off to see my doctor later this morning. God knows how long this will take since he’ll probably send me out (across the street at the hospital) for x-rays. Then I expect him to refer me to an orthopedic specialist. As a result of all this, I doubt I’ll be feeling all that much better tonight. I hopeful that I can at least get in to see ‘whoever’ sometime this week. I just can’t deal with this pain for much longer.
I tried to do a few things around the house last night. Bad idea. You can do little or nothing one-handed, and trying to use my left arm for anything (even holding a dustpan) is impossible to do without pain. That’s going to be my biggest problem throughout all this. How do I stop doing things?
I waited until I had finished payroll at work yesterday before even calling the doctor. I just had to get that out of the way…and it means that I have until the 10th of March before I absolutely have to do anything at work. Oh, I still have lots that needs to be done, but the place won’t disintegrate if the rest of it doesn’t happen.
Will report back in when there’s more to report.
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