Not a lot of time to write tonight, ’cause I have to get up at 4:30 am tomorrow. I have to report for jury duty tomorrow morning at 8 am in downtown LA. The timing on this sucks. It would probably suck no matter what, but tomorrow is really one of the worst days possible.
Got an email from our neighborhood association saying it was possible that a portion of our neighborhood might be evacuated tonight due the Sierra Madre fire. I don’t think it will affect me, but you just never know.
This morning a water pipe outside my house burst so I had to turn off all the water to my house until I can cap off this pipe. Couldn’t deal with it tonight and don’t know when I’ll have time to do it until I finish up this damnable jury duty. So I’ll turn the water on in the morning to take a shower and flush the toilet and then will turn it off before I leave the house.
On top of everything else, I have to go to work after I finish up with jury duty because my admin asst is leaving for vacation on Wednesday and will be unable to process all the checks that are due at the end of the week.
I will just shit if I get selected to serve on a jury.
1 user commented in " It Goes From Bad to Worse "
Follow-up comment rss or Leave a TrackbackI got picked right away and am on the jury for a criminal case. Fuck. No details till it’s over…which I’m hoping is no later than Thursday. Seems to be a pretty cut and dried case.
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