Archive for October, 2008
Posted in October 28th, 2008
The NBA season started tonight, so now I have to try to watch the Lakers and all the political shows. Arrgh! Fortunately most of the political stuff will be over soon. Still will be a bit of a balancing act even after the election is over. Glad I’m not hooked on a ton of network […]
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Posted in October 26th, 2008
…against putting political signs in your yard when you’re not even a citizen of the United States! My crazy Colombian next door neighbor has a big sign in the middle of his front yard urging a yes vote on Proposition 8 (the gay marriage ban). I just want to puke every time I go out […]
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Posted in October 25th, 2008
I got up this morning and did my usual–got a cup of coffee and headed to the computer to check all the political blogs and polls. Except that my computer would not connect to the internet. OMG, how could I make it through the day without the internet? Turned out our whole area was experiencing […]
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Posted in October 22nd, 2008
Posted in October 19th, 2008
…and it started off early with Colin Powell’s endorsement of Barack Obama. I set my alarm and got up in time to watch Meet the Press and was absolutely thrilled with Powell’s endorsement. If you haven’t listened to what he said, you really should. It made such good sense and I’m hopeful lots of undecided […]
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Posted in October 18th, 2008
So why isn’t this election over with already? I’m ready and I think everyone else is ready, so let’s get a move on it! Finally got around to giving Murphy a bath and brushing/trimming him. Something always seemed to distract me from doing this and then it would be too late at night to do […]
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Posted in October 15th, 2008
The final debate tonight sealed the deal for Barack Obama. The polls before the debate showed him with a double-digit lead in states where that wasn’t supposed to be the case. And the instant polls right after the debate all showed Obama as winning–even Fox! McCain was extremely angry and combative, attacking Barack at every […]
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Posted in October 12th, 2008
Spent a good chunk of my afternoon on Friday cleaning out bookcases in my office at work and thought the urge to clean would carry over into the weekend. Unfortunately that was not the case. I just can’t get motivated to do much of anything once I get home. Whatever time I have available I […]
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Posted in October 7th, 2008
Hurried home from work tonight to watch the debate and Keith Olberman’s prologue. Obama did well and McCain…well his reference to “that one” really said it all. Even the republicans are appalled. All the media polls are saying that Obama won and comments from lots of independents are pro Obama. Based on the polls (check […]
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Posted in October 3rd, 2008
The jury in Las Vegas just found OJ Simpson guilty on all charges. Finally it seems he’s going to get his due. Sentencing will take place on December 5th with a possible sentence of 15 years to life. Sounds like no more golfing for OJ.
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Posted in October 3rd, 2008
I don’t know where September went. I think part of the reason it seemed to go by so quickly has to do with my being out of town for 1/3 of the month. And then it took another third before I finally got back on California time and back on track at work. And then […]
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