Archive for November, 2008
Posted in November 27th, 2008
The bird is stuffed and in the oven, the pumpkin pies are baked, so I’m taking a short break. Whew! Patrick and Veronica will be over later this afternoon when we will stuff ourselves…and then will most likely crash complaining that we all ate too much! Hope you all have a great day and a […]
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Posted in November 19th, 2008
I have six really tall (maybe 50 ft) Italian cypress trees in my backyard. When I planted them about 15-16 years ago they were about 2-3 ft tall. I had no idea at the time that they would grow so tall so quickly. When they reached the top of my neighbor’s fence, I should have […]
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Posted in November 16th, 2008
I’ve been trying to find a Wii game system for months and everyone (Amazon, Best Buy, Circuit City, Target) has been sold out. Tonight I decided to check online again, just in case. Best Buy was sold out, so I tried Amazon. OMG, they had them in stock! I immediately bought one and then bought […]
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Posted in November 16th, 2008
The formerly blue sky is now hazy with smoke. The sunlight has an orange glow to it and my car has a thin layer of ash covering it. Just noticed the wind is beginning to blow a bit, so that must be part of the reason for this. I’m not complaining, though. It could be […]
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Posted in November 16th, 2008
It seems there are something like 5 or 6 fires burning in So.Cal. right now. I am losing track. One of the offices for the company where Patrick works was evacuated today ’cause the flames were just across the street. This is the Brea fire. The flames from that fire burned part of a high […]
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Posted in November 15th, 2008
Last night it was Santa Barbara/Montecito. Tonight it’s the Angeles National Forest just above Sylmar. And that’s getting closer to us. Still far enough away that it’s not a real worry as far as our neighborhood goes, but it’s scary knowing the fires are that close. The winds seem to be blowing really hard in […]
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Posted in November 13th, 2008
A Catholic priest in South Carolina has told his congregation they cannot receive communion if they voted for Barack Obama. This is due to the fact that Obama is pro-choice, meaning he agrees that abortion is acceptable. This priest said that a vote for Obama is the equivalent of voting for abortion, resulting in sin […]
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Posted in November 4th, 2008
What a great night! I am left without words about how I feel. This is such a spectacular event like nothing I have ever seen before and it’s going to take a while for it all to sink in. I am so happy!
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Posted in November 2nd, 2008
My staunch Republican neighbors down the street have removed their McCain signs from their front yard. Either they’ve given up or their signs fell apart in the storm yesterday…just like their candidate’s campaign has fallen apart.
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Posted in November 1st, 2008
Finally it happened. I was called tonight and was polled about the election: who was I voting for (Obama), was I voting yes or no on Prop 8 (NO), how did I feel about abortion (pro-choice), and was I voting on Tuesday or had I already voted (voting on Tuesday). This is the first time […]
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