Since I didn’t get a lot of sleep the night before, I slept really soundly last night. Too soundly as it turned out. Apparently Murphy needed to take a dump sometime during the night. He was either unable or unwilling to wake me to let him outside. I keep the cat’s litter box in the bathroom next to my bedroom. He went in there during the night and did his thing. Somehow, either before or after, he pushed the door almost closed and, due to his blindness, he was unable to find his way out and back into the bedroom. As a result, he wandered around the tiny bathroom for quite awhile until he was able to make enough noise to wake me out of my deep sleep.
Now Murphy being blind (or almost) means he can’t tell where he’s walking…or what he’s walking through. When I finally woke up and turned on the light in the bathroom, I could not believe what I was seeing. The entire floor was covered with shit! I put Murphy outside and closed the door to the bathroom and went back to sleep.
Now that was bad enough, right? No. The cats now were unable to get to their litter box (or they chose not to during the night due to the Murphy fiasco), so one of them shit all over my family room. I spent an hour or so this morning cleaning up most of it, but really need to do a heavy-duty disinfecting of all my floors this weekend. Glad I have lots of cleaning supplies and a good carpet shampooer.
Oh, and in case you hadn’t guessed, Murphy has once again become an outside dog and will be spending his nights sleeping in his doghouse.
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