I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m not going to get everything done this week. Part of it has to do with the hot weather, making it difficult to work outdoors. Part of it has to do with lots of stuff still needing to be done inside. Part of it has to do with lack of motivation to get started on the big stuff. So I’m finding myself doing lots of “small” projects instead of one or two biggies.
Am keeping my garden watered and weeded mostly because I really like doing this. Have to wait until 6-7 pm though when the temperature begins to cool down. Thinking of cleaning the leaves and other residue out of the bed alongside the driveway tonight since the weeding out back is done for the week.
Heading out to the garage soon to do an inventory of paint on hand–what’s still good, what needs to be disposed of. Think I’ll start in on the family room ceiling later today or tomorrow. While I had hoped to do the outside house trim, think I’ll have to put that off until the weather cools down. I can always do that in stages over a few weekends provided I’m caught up on the inside stuff.
Guess it’s time to get off the computer and get started.
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