Archive for December, 2009
Posted in December 26th, 2009
In the tradition of the day, I have given my servants the day off and sustained myself on the leftovers from Christmas…and spent the remainder of the day doing absolutely nothing! Patrick came over to set up my new HDTV (Thanks for the gift, Patrick!) and now I’m faced with the dilemma of what to […]
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Posted in December 25th, 2009
Today is Christmas Day. And my neighbor is spending his day in grubby clothes repairing his fence. In other words, he has no life! He is a nasty man who never comes out of his house except to go back and forth to work, cut the grass in his front yard and walk his dog. […]
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Posted in December 24th, 2009
And so the day is almost here. Christmas Eve was rather calm and quiet. I spent most of the day cleaning, cooking and baking. Patrick and Veronica came over this evening and we enjoyed ham, potato salad and lots of snacks…and then sat around talking and watching “It’s a Wonderful Life.” I still have to […]
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Posted in December 22nd, 2009
This past weekend I saw my neighbor outside and told him that he needed to fix his fence that has been leaning over about a foot into my yard. It’s been leaning for months and the recent rainfall made it even worse. So today the leaning stopped. We are having a windstorm with gusts up […]
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Posted in December 20th, 2009
As expected, I didn’t accomplish nearly as much as I had planned this weekend. But I did get many things done…and had two great lunches both days! On Saturday I had lunch with Vanessa at the Stonefire Grill where we enjoyed great tri-tip, chicken and ribs. Spent a lot of the day after Vanessa left […]
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Posted in December 19th, 2009
How did it get to be less than a week before Christmas already? I am sooo not ready. Finally made a list of all I have to do this weekend and I don’t know how it’s all going to happen in only two days. Who am I kidding. In reality, it probably won’t. But at […]
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Posted in December 16th, 2009
Patrick came over on Sunday and helped me get the street decoration up as well as all the lights on the house. I finished after he left, putting additional lights on the hedge and the ficus tree next to the front porch. Also put up garland and a wreath at the front bay window. And […]
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Posted in December 12th, 2009
Tonight is the first night of our neighborhood’s annual Holiday Light-Up. Yet there are no Christmas lights on my house and my curbside street decoration is not illuminated. It has been raining most of the day. I was able to get the crates out of the garage during a lull in the rain and also […]
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Posted in December 10th, 2009
Have been on Amazon for about 2-3 hours tonight finishing up my orders to be shipped to Seattle. It’s all ordered and a good portion has already been shipped according to the email notices I’ve been receiving. Whew! Still have a few more things to order online, but will wait until the weekend to get […]
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Posted in December 6th, 2009
Emotions tend to run both high and low at this time of year. And today has been a day of shifting emotions for me. Started off with trying to get all the Christmas decorating finished up in order to get the storage crates out of the living room and back into the garage. Mostly this […]
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Posted in December 2nd, 2009
It’s the beginning of December and I’ve started decorating my house for Christmas. I’d like to get it finished by this Saturday so that it’s not an ongoing project that drags on for the entire month. Since I’m not putting up a tree this year because of the kittens, I think I should be able […]
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