Just took Baby to the vet. She had multiple bowel and bladder problems last night and this morning resulting in pooping and peeing on the floors in the family room and my bathroom. Of course none of these incidents occurred in the litter box. She’s drinking lots of water and not eating much food.
She’s lost 2 lbs since she was last at the vet in early September and weighs just a little over 6 lbs. Not good for a 17-yr-old cat. The vet is doing a bunch of tests and will call me in about an hour to give me the prognosis. She already has thyroid problems, so it could be that or kidney failure or the big C…cancer.
The tests and office visit alone will probably cost around $250. God knows what the resulting treatment will cost. If it’s cancer, I’ll have her put to sleep. Any other problem will be treated, but not with anything more than medication. Dialysis or any other extraordinary treatments won’t be an option for a 17-yr-old cat.
I’ve become numb to the loss of animals at this point. It may sound heartless, but it will almost be a relief when Baby finally goes and I don’t have to deal with aging pets again until many years from now.
So the preliminary diagnosis is cancer. The vet feels we can treat the symptoms and give her a little bit longer to live. I’m skeptical, but am trying some meds to see what happens. I’ll get the bloodwork results tomorrow for the official diagnosis and then will take her in on Saturday to see how the meds are working. I don’t hold out much hope for her to last much longer.
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