Our street won one of 5 awards given by our neighborhood association for the best street decorations! We had a block party at the block captain’s home in anticipation of the possibility that we would win one of the awards. Everyone brought drinks and snacks, and we ordered pizzas with the money that we had left after paying for the materials to make the decorations.
When the judges came by to give us our award, we all cheered and clapped and headed out to get the red bell that will hang in front of the block captain’s home. The judges were thrilled that we were all gathered together and that we were so excited about winning. We all stood next to the decoration for a group picture that will appear in The Lariat, our neighborhood newsletter.
I am really thrilled that we won, but very happy it’s all over. We totally deserved to win. We had 31 out of 34 homes participate and the decoration is absolutely beautiful. I expect this next week will result in lots of traffic.
Fortunately I’ll be in Seattle next weekend when traffic will probably be the heaviest. Happy to miss the traffic, but not looking forward to the rain up north. Predictions are for non-stop rain and chilly temps the entire time I’m there. At least it will be cold enough to have a fire.
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