The auditors returned today to turn my mood of joy into one of hatred. Oh they asked about the new baby, but then they started in on me. What is this? Why did you do that? Provide documentation for something else. It’s like they are trying to find anything and everything that I did wrong.
I’ve done nothing really wrong–of course there have been a few minor errors–but nothing terribly wrong. Since this is the first real audit we’ve ever had, they are going back to 2003, digging through old records. And it’s hard to remember what happened last year, much less back to 2003!
Meanwhile, I’m having to deal with my regular work and every bullshit problem that comes up since half the staff is on vacation. One of the admin assistants called me to solve a problem and, when I couldn’t, she slammed the phone down on me! That was more than I could take and I marched down the hall, pointed my finger in her face and told her she was NEVER to slam the phone in my ear again! She apologized heavy duty.
Then my new admin assistant fucked up on sending the checks out again. Every week it’s one thing or another that isn’t right. When I started working there I was given a pile of bills to pay, had no training, had to use an ancient accounting system on an ancient computer and still managed to do it right. I keep thinking that maybe I’m too picky, but some of the mistakes are just flat out carelessness.
All this has resulted in severe stress exhaustion tonight. I tried to recaulk the bathtub (with Patrick’s help) and finally gave up. I think the caulking compound I was using wasn’t fresh enough and just went on too thick. I’m going to stop at OSH tomorrow and buy some new caulk and see if I can get it finished tomorrow.
At least I’ll be off work for a week after tomorrow. I could never do audit work for a living. I would feel too terrible putting others through what I’ve had to go through over the past few months.
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