Today I made my final visit to my current doctor. As mentioned in an earlier post, he has switched to a new medical group and is no longer accepting “new” HMO patients through that group. I had this appointment scheduled prior to knowing about this change that is effective 9/1. I was glad I already had the appointment since I wanted to be sure to get new Rx’s for the meds I take. He gave me new Rx’s with refills for 6 months so I’ll have enough time to find a new doctor and get my records transferred.
The visit today proved that it is a good thing I am being forced to find a new doctor. He asked me how I was doing and then asked whether I was still taking my medications. What did he think I was doing with all those pills? I’ve been going to him for over 10 years and have been on some of the meds for longer than I’ve been seeing him. And the bp meds should be pretty obvious since my bp continues to be low and it was extremely high when he prescribed the meds.
When I told him this would be my last visit, he said “What are you doing, moving on?” What’s that supposed to mean? I said that I was *sort of* moving on but not by choice and mentioned that his office would no longer be accepting HMO patients. He said something like “Oh, yeah” and that was it. He never said anything else like how he was sorry to see me go or how he liked having me as a patient or anything.
I never really liked this guy. He has the personality of a wet noodle. Hopefully I’ll be able to find a new doctor who gives a shit.
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