I have lots to do around here but haven’t been able to get myself motivated all week. Last week and last weekend I did lots. This week I’ve done nothing. Oh I know I’ll do lots out in the garage this weekend, but the nights this week have been a real bust. I’ve been exhausted every night and just can’t do much more than watch TV and mess around on the computer.
Then there’s work. Part of the week has been good in that I’ve accomplished a lot of the things I had hoped to do. But part has been extremely frustrating…mostly the part that has to do with other people fucking up. I’ve always tried to do the best possible job no matter where I worked. That doesn’t seem to be the case with all workers today. While that’s never good, when it directly impacts your job it just plain sucks! Since I never know who reads this, I won’t go into lots of details other than saying frustration was definitely the word today.
And then there are the cats.
Honey (age 13) still can’t find her way to the litter box, resulting in lots of cleanup every day. And now she’s having problems walking. She seems to have no control over her back legs and spends most of her time just laying in one place. She can no longer jump up or down onto the furniture and I have to pick her up to put her in front of the food and water. She probably only weighs about 6 lbs and seems to be mostly fur and bones. Unfortunately, I think her days are numbered.
Puto (age 18) seems to be having some kind of problem, but I’m not sure exactly what’s going on with him. He howls and moans in front of the water dish if it’s not filled completely to the top with water. It could be just 1″ below the top and he’s not satisfied.
Loki (age 13) has decided to put on weight. He’s so heavy that I can barely pick him up. He must weigh close to 20 lbs! He doesn’t seem to be eating any more cat food than the rest of the cats, so I think he’s catching birds and rats and pigging out on them. He’s left quite a few ‘presents’ on the front porch recently.
Baby (age 16) doesn’t seem to have any big problems right now (knock on wood) other than deciding she must hang out in the bathroom with me every time I shower or bathe. She stands next to the tub and meows nonstop until I convince her to leave. Not a real relaxing soak in the tub.
Older cats are not lots of fun. Thank God Murphy seems to be in good shape…for now.
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