I’m actually in good shape for Thanksgiving. Two pumpkin pies are cooling on the kitchen counter, the bread is shredded for the stuffing and the turkey is soaking in the brine mixture. Have to get up at about 6:30 in order to finish putting the stuffing together in order to get the bird in the oven by 8:00 am. We’re eating earlier than normal ’cause Patrick has to work at midnight so I need to give him at least a bit of time to do some sleeping before work. The other parts of the meal should be relatively easy to put together. The only thing that will take any time is peeling the potatoes.
The house is in relatively good shape since I did a bunch of cleaning before leaving for Ohio last week. All I really need to do is vacuum the floors, pick things up a bit and set the table. I’m kind of amazed that things are coming together so smoothly. I guess the suspected gas leak was the only real snag and I’m grateful that was taken care of this morning.
So off to bed to get a few hours sleep before dragging myself out of bed in the morning. At least I have nothing that I absolutely have to do for the next three days and can sleep in as late as I want the entire long weekend!
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