Author Archive
Posted in March 19th, 2009
After spending a day and a half sitting around the Pasadena Superior Court, I was finally sent home today–yay! I was picked as the last possible juror to be considered as an alternate at about 4 pm today. I thought sure that I would get chosen and was extremely relieved when they excused me. In […]
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Posted in March 17th, 2009
Didn’t do too much celebrating today since I had jury duty. I’m in a pool of potential jurors for a murder trial. Have to go back at 1:30 pm on Thursday to see whether I will be chosen. I really hope I don’t get picked. Heard from the vet tonight. Murphy’s tests for Cushing’s Syndrome […]
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Posted in March 15th, 2009
The tree trimmers finished up last night at a little past seven pm. From what I could see, the backyard looked pretty good. The trees were gone and it seemed they cleaned up all the residue. What I didn’t realize was that you can’t see everything when it’s dark. This morning, upon checking it during […]
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Posted in March 15th, 2009
Somehow I have neglected to write anything about what’s been going on lately. Perhaps because so much has been happening! So early on a Sunday morning I will try to catch up on at least part of what’s been my life for the past month. It will probably be a long post, but that’s what […]
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Posted in February 15th, 2009
What a fun All Star game today! Kobe and Shaq playing together once again…and winning the joint MVP award! It was a fun game to watch and I was happy the West won. And they did it dramatically with a final score of 146-119. Not sure if I’d want to see Shaq back with the […]
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Posted in February 11th, 2009
…and it was spectacular! A coworker friend had 4 tickets she couldn’t use so she gave them to me. And they weren’t just regular old tickets, they were in the premier seating area, just two rows above all the press and dead center of Staples. We even had in-seat waiters bringing anything we wanted to […]
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Posted in January 30th, 2009
This week has been a real bitch at work and ended about as bad as it could possibly end. I went out around 2:30-3:00 this afternoon to walk across the street to drop off the payment for my utility bill. On the way back my left ankle collapsed and I went down. I didn’t trip […]
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Posted in January 26th, 2009
Went to bed last night around 11:30. It was extremely cold outside and dark clouds had been forming over the mountains since late afternoon. And then it hit. The first raindrops sounded really big and Murphy got a bit excited. Then it went crazy outside! The lightning and thunder scared all the animals. The cats […]
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Posted in January 25th, 2009
It was cold and rainy here this weekend and I took advantage of the weather and lazed about the house. Played a lot of Animal Crossing, watched the Lakers beat up on the Spurs, and did some laundry. That’s about it. I just couldn’t get motivated to do much else. I should have done a […]
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Posted in January 20th, 2009
It was fabulous! I’ve seen lots of inaugurations, but this was the most emotional one I’ve ever experienced. Never before did I find myself in tears while watching a new president take office. But today I cried throughout the ceremony. I guess I’ve never felt so good about a candidate in the past. I am […]
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Posted in January 16th, 2009
Yay! Three days off plus the inauguration! Got lots to do both inside and outside the house, but expect to get lots done with three days off. Hopefully there won’t be lots of inaugural stuff on tv to distract me! Got lots finished at work today and even managed to stop at Office Depot this […]
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Posted in January 15th, 2009
Just when you think that all is going well and that you are finally getting caught up, the proverbial shit hits the fan. It seems the person who set up our new timeclock made a huge error. We asked that holiday and vacation time be included when determining overtime hours for both individual days as […]
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Posted in January 11th, 2009
It felt like a wonderful summer day today with temps in the 80’s. But it was weird since I spent a good portion of the weekend putting away Christmas decorations. Still need to finish that up, but I am making good progress. Am trying to clean everything really well (dusting, washing glassware, etc.) as I […]
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Posted in January 8th, 2009
I was sitting on the couch in the family room, watching tv, when the latest earthquake hit. Murphy jumped up and the cats went running. I jumped up as well and waited for more…but nothing more happened. It was very quick with just a bit of a jolt and a roll, a reminder of bigger […]
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Posted in January 6th, 2009
Evan Michael Barnett, son of Mandy and Eric Barnett, was born yesterday, 1/5/2009. Mandy is the daughter of my sister, Kelly. Evan weighed 8 lb 5 oz at birth and is 21-1/2″ long. Kelly and Sally were both there for the birth and report that both mother and son are doing great.
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Posted in January 2nd, 2009
And so it’s finally here. The start of a new year and the start of a new presidency. Only 18 more days until the latter. Still not sure how I’m going to be able to watch all the festivities. I don’t remember watching Dubya’s inauguration speeches, but I do recall seeing quite a few others. […]
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Posted in December 28th, 2008
I love this game! Have been spending hours and hours building my house and collecting goodies. Vanessa will be visiting my town later today–and I will go to her town as well. Still have to hook up the WiiSpeak feature so that we can talk with each other while playing. So far I like most […]
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Posted in December 27th, 2008
It was only a few days ago, but it seems like a lot longer. While it was great, I’m really glad Christmas is over. Too much work and too much stress. Patrick and Veronica came over on Christmas Eve. We decorated the tree in front of a nice warm fire and feasted on honeybaked ham, […]
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Posted in December 21st, 2008
Soula has put up new pictures of Robin in her Picasa album. He’s so cute! Take a look:
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Posted in December 21st, 2008
Just talked with Kevin. They have about a foot of snow on the ground and it’s still coming down! He’s not sure whether he’ll be able to get to work tomorrow or not. On the national news that I watched earlier, they showed streets in Seattle that were just too steep to drive up or […]
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