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Posted in October 5th, 2010
Of course it was at Kohls–where else?! I had a 30% off coupon plus another coupon for $10 off, so I had to go shopping. I got 5 long-sleeved tops, 2 3/4-sleeved tops, 2 scarves, and a shirt for me. And then I got lots and lots of clothing for Robin–2 hooded jackets, a pair […]
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Posted in October 4th, 2010
Last Monday the temperatures reached an all-time high in LA of 113 degrees. In Pasadena it got up to 116. And the humidity level was 7%. The temps went down a bit throughout the week, but it still stayed warm. And the humidity levels went up to monsoon levels. It was hot and humid and […]
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Posted in October 1st, 2010
Literally. Came down with some sort of food poisoning at the start of the week. Not sure what caused it, but suspect it was something I ate Saturday night at an Israeli restaurant. The food was great and plentiful, but I think the bug probably came from a piece of sausage. While I really enjoyed […]
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Posted in September 24th, 2010
Kevin, Soula and Robin are back home in Washington and I am back to work…and working on recovering from their visit. Toys are still spread around the family room and floats are still in the pool. All that will get cleaned up tomorrow. I am very much missing all of them–especially Robin. It just seems […]
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Posted in September 11th, 2010
Watching the combination of “Hoarders” and lots of HGTV is really spurring me on. I’m dehoarding my closets, cupboards, and dressers and redoing lots of spaces. My bedroom is almost completed. We laid out the new carpet today and it looks gorgeous and matches wonderfully in the room. Went to Sears today where I had […]
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Posted in September 8th, 2010
Heard from Kevin earlier today–Robin started reading yesterday! Kevin has been reading to him since his first day home from the hospital and Robin has always loved it. In addition he and Soula have worked with Robin since he was quite young, teaching him the alphabet and playing “the phonics game.” My sister Kelly sent […]
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Posted in September 4th, 2010
It was extremely hot today (100 degrees!) and I just couldn’t get motivated to do much. Got up late this morning and then spent awhile on the phone with sister Sally. Finally decided to head off to Kohl’s in order to use the “Kohl’s Cash” that I got as a bonus when purchasing my new […]
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Posted in September 3rd, 2010
I’m off work for a vacation day today in order to get a head start on lots of laboring. Additionally, my new dishwasher was delivered and installed this morning. Completely cleaned the kitchen last night to get ready for today, so it’s very nice having a new dishwasher in a clean kitchen! The only bad […]
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Posted in August 28th, 2010
…cool weather?! How fabulous is this?!!! It’s overcast and cool outside! I can open windows and let the coolness permeate my house for the first time in a long, long time. Don’t know what the temperature is outside, but it seems almost cold compared to the heat we’ve been experiencing. No doubt it must be […]
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Posted in August 24th, 2010
It got up to somewhere between 105-110 degrees in Pasadena today–at least that’s what the weather forecasters said. All I know is that it was damn hot! I didn’t leave the a/c running while at work, just the ceiling fan in my office and the floor fan in the family room. As a result, the […]
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Posted in August 22nd, 2010
Today I ordered a duvet set, pillows and a bed scarf from Kohl’s. Got a great deal–$172 including tax for all as well as free shipping. Then I decided to order a rug (actually a carpet) from them. It’s about 8′ x 11′ and is made of Olefin which is stain resistant…and it’s beautiful. Total […]
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Posted in August 22nd, 2010
I headed off to bed last night and decided to let the cats come and go into the bedroom since they did fairly well sleeping with me the previous night in the new bed. Hayes has trouble jumping up and down from the bed due to the height, so I put a box at the […]
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Posted in August 20th, 2010
My new bed was delivered this morning and is all made up with sheets (thanks, Vanessa!) and a quilt. I really need to get a bedskirt as well as a new comforter or something like that. I can make do with what I currently have but it’s just not real attractive. I’m going to check […]
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Posted in August 19th, 2010
The waterbed draining process didn’t take as long as I expected–only about two hours. And then Patrick and I dismantled the frame and I hauled it all out to the driveway. I spent the remainder of the afternoon removing the old carpet from under the bed (it actually looked great after having been hidden away […]
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Posted in August 19th, 2010
Today I am draining my waterbed and saying goodbye to my old friend of 33 years. I bought a new bed yesterday and it is being delivered tomorrow. So, I have lots to do today. Patrick will be over soon to help me get the draining process started and I have already removed all the […]
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Posted in August 17th, 2010
Yesterday I started in on cleaning out the garage…finally! I have emptied about 6 boxes and have consolidated 2 large tubs down to one medium sized one. Additionally, I’ve washed everything that had accumulated out there–small rugs, towels, sheets, blankets, rags, etc. And I’ve thrown out a TON of stuff! Most of it will go […]
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Posted in August 14th, 2010
I am so happy to be back in Pasadena! Phoenix was a godawful furnace of heat! 110+ degrees during the day and lows in the 90’s at night! I could not live in such a hell hole! It was good to see family, but unfortunate that it was due to my uncle’s death. It seemed […]
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Posted in August 10th, 2010
Things haven’t been going exactly as I had planned this week. I have yet to do any painting–or any of the other home projects that need doing. But it’s still been a good first two days of vacation. Got lots of laundry done yesterday as well as watering all my outdoor plants. I did goof […]
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Posted in August 7th, 2010
How nice it is knowing that I don’t have to go to work for another 15 days! Vanessa and Keith came over today for some swimming, visiting, and a great dinner of filet mignon, baked potatoes and salad…plus a nice bottle of cabernet. Tomorrow we’re heading off early in the morning to the Rose Bowl […]
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Posted in July 31st, 2010
July has been a busy month, both at work and at home, and I am glad to see it go. It’s been rough going back to work this month after being off for almost six weeks recovering from surgery. And then the sciatica started up about 2 weeks ago. Aagghhh! The pain from that is […]
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