I’m ready for 2005 to be over. One of the few good things that happened was Kevin and Chrysoula’s wedding. That was wonderful and great fun for all. And I am so happy to have a daughter-in-law.
The year began with unending rain that I thought would wash away So.Cal. So far at the end of the year we’ve only had light showers, although they are predicting a huge storm to hit this weekend…possibly even a rainy Rose Parade! Got my retaining wall replaced, so at least I no longer have to worry that my yard will end up in my neighbor’s backyard. And so January through April seems no more than a soggy memory.
May flew by and was chock full of excitement and great memories of the wedding, first trip to Vegas, and meeting up with lots of family members. June was a recovery month, with updates from Kevin and Soula in Europe and generally just resting up from all the wedding activities.
Spent July fixing up/cleaning up the backyard, which now seems to be for naught since the weeds are back and the bushes once again in need of trimming. It did look nice for awhile, though…
Then another trip, this time to Arizona for my aunt and uncle’s 50th wedding anniversary. Visited with lots of family that I hadn’t seen in many, many years. And spent the evening after the anniversary party at an Indian casino playing the slots. This seemed to be a lot more fun in Vegas, but perhaps that’s because I was winning in Vegas and losing in Arizona!
August and September became a blur after learning that my sister, Jean, had been diagnosed with kidney cancer. After she had a kidney removed, I decided I needed to fly back to Ohio for a visit. And another trip ensued during the first week of October. Had a good visit with Jean, but would have preferred other circumstances. And the cancer saga continues to this day as Jean has just returned home after spending Christmas weekend in the hospital…
And then there was Katrina resulting in days on end spent watching the devastation on tv.
And then Patrick moved out. I think that happened in October not long after I got back from Ohio. And he started a new job. And he has a new girlfriend, Veronica. All these are good things, just all happened very quickly and somewhat unexpectedly.
And then it was Thanksgiving…and then a few weeks later, Christmas. And now, the end of the year is here once more. How is it that it seemed to take forever to go from Thanksgiving to Christmas when I was a kid? And now it’s just a few weeks.
I keep hoping for a better year ahead as the current year comes to a close. Let’s hope that one of these years that wish comes true.