Posted in September 18th, 2007
I gave Robin a nice warm bath tonight. After Kevin got him dressed for bed, we laid him down in his crib and started up a musical toy that plays “Lullaby and Good Night.” Robin laid there calmly and quietly, fascinated by the music. He looked so sweet and I just wanted to snuggle him […]
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Posted in September 15th, 2007
Robin is the most adorable as well as the sweetest baby I could ever want for my first grandchild. He looks a lot like Kevin looked as a baby, but has enough of Chrysoula in him to allow him to be his own special person. I care for him when he wakes up during the […]
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Posted in September 13th, 2007
Heading up to Seattle in a few hours to see the baby! Still have some last minute packing to do, so can stay on here for more than a few minutes. Will try to post from up north if I have time. Will be back on Sunday, 9/23, with LOTS of pictures!
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Posted in September 9th, 2007
Patrick, Veronica, Brett and Summer came over this afternoon loaded with steaks, macaroni salad, and potato salad. We had a nice cookout in the backyard after they swam in the pool for a bit. It was a very pleasant and relaxing way to end the weekend. I got lots of cleaning done yesterday and am finishing […]
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Posted in September 7th, 2007
I am sooo happy that this weekend is FINALLY here. No one is coming to visit. I have no where that I have to go. I only will be doing what I choose to do. While I will be making a lot of choices to do a lot of things, they will be my choices. […]
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Posted in September 5th, 2007
At this time next week I’ll be packing my bags for my trip to Seattle. Will probably start some of the packing this weekend since I’ll be taking a bunch of hand-me-down baby clothes with me and can get those packed ahead of time. I’m sooo ready for this trip. All the news I hear […]
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Posted in September 3rd, 2007
All the guests have left. I took Brian and Stacey to LAX last night. They wanted to go early ’cause it was air conditioned at the airport and was not at my house. There was no traffic and (except for the setting sun in my eyes) the drive was easy and I was back home […]
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Posted in August 31st, 2007
It got up to something like 105 degrees today. And right now it’s still in the 90’s at 10 pm! Same tomorrow, same on Sunday, same on Monday. Last summer was hot, but not these continuous 100+ days. And the humidity! For whatever reason, moisture is building in the atmosphere and the air is thick […]
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Posted in August 30th, 2007
I woke up at about 3 am to the sound of huge thunderclaps! It scared the shit out of Murphy and he wound up at the bottom of my bed, refusing to get down and back into his own bed. Then the rain/hail started. Didn’t last for long and you couldn’t even tell it had […]
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Posted in August 27th, 2007
And are they ever cute! Here’s the link The new pictures are in the album called Robin at Home 2. I can’t wait to get there and hold that little guy! It was wonderful to get back to work today and enjoy some calmness. Lot’s of people are still on vacation so there’s not […]
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Posted in August 26th, 2007
The hills just above and to the west of us caught on fire today. Thankfully the firefighters were able to keep things under control and it seems to be out as of now. I was worried due to the fact that the wind picked up this afternoon which could have really been a problem. Just […]
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Posted in August 25th, 2007
Patrick (and about a dozen others) met up out in front of my house this morning at 4 am and headed off to Burning Man. My driveway is clear, my house is emptied of camping paraphernalia and a good chunk of my garage is emptied out as well. They will arrive at a hotel in Reno late […]
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Posted in August 23rd, 2007
The day is just beginning. Get prepared for bedlam. It started in heavy duty yesterday. We wound up with bodies all over the place and the driveway filled with Burning Man stuff. I have so much to do to get ready for Brian’s arrival tonight that I just don’t know where to start. I hope […]
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Posted in August 20th, 2007
I can’t believe it’s only Monday. I’ve done at least a week’s worth of stuff over the past three days…and have at least that much more to do over the next three days. And I really don’t know how I’m going to get everything done. I’m going to need a vacation to recover from my […]
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Posted in August 16th, 2007
The auditors returned today to turn my mood of joy into one of hatred. Oh they asked about the new baby, but then they started in on me. What is this? Why did you do that? Provide documentation for something else. It’s like they are trying to find anything and everything that I did wrong. […]
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Posted in August 15th, 2007
Even though all I want to think about right now is Robin, other things have been going on around here. Patrick brought his travel trailer over here last Friday night and a bunch of his friends showed up Saturday morning for a painting/repair party. They finished most of the painting by the time it was […]
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Posted in August 14th, 2007
I just got off the phone with Kevin…and with Robin! Kevin held the phone up next to him as he cried and then he made a few little squeeking noises. It was so cute! It seems their biggest problem right now has to do with sleep, both for them and for Robin. Robin sleeps about […]
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Posted in August 14th, 2007
Robin went home with mom and dad today. They thought they were going to have to move from the birthing center to a room in the pediatric unit and packed up everything for the move. Apparently the birthing center needed to free up their room for others coming in. However, their doctor showed up at […]
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Posted in August 13th, 2007
Here are a few links from Kevin and Soula as well as one of their friends with pictures of before the baby arrived, Robin right after birth (someday he’ll be furious that his dad took these!), and Robin with mom, dad and many friends. I can’t wait to hold that little guy myself. […]
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Posted in August 12th, 2007
I’m a grandma! Robin Michael Alexander was born this morning–1 month early–by caesarian section at 5:25 am. He’s a really little guy, weighing 5 lbs, 6 oz, and is only 18 inches long. Kevin says he has his mouth and chin and Soula’s nose, and has a head full of dark black/brown curly hair and […]
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